Electric Thermal Oil Heater 80 KW MFG PT Indira Mitra Boiler

Heat Transfer Oil

IMB series Thermal Oil Heater uses the heat transfer oil as a heat carrier. The heat transfer oil in the Heater body is heated to the desired temperature by the electric heating elements, then is transported to the relative devices by the hot oil pump to pass thermal energy. At last, the oil is transported back to reheat to make a continuous heating process[/caption]

Electric Thermal Oil Heater 80 KW MFG PT Indira Mitra Boiler Specialist Pabrikasi a Steam Boiler and a Thermal Oil Heater.

General Description:
The Electricity Heating Thermal Oil Heater is an efficient low-pressure high-temperature heating equipment, which uses electricity as a heat source and heat transfer oil as a heat carrier, passing thermal energy to the heat users through the forced circulation of the hot oil pump, and returning to the Heater for reheating and recirculation.



2. Product features and uses:
2.1 Product features:
(1)The Thermal Oil Heater can provide a higher process temperature (≤300 degrees) under lower pressure to replace the high and medium pressure boiler to heat. Compared with the steam boiler, the electric heating boiler needs lower pressure, which will greatly increase security, improve the working environment, reduce labor intensity and the one-time investment, and have no pollution.
It has a sensitive electronic automatic temperature control system that provides reliable high precision, uniform heat transfer, and good process performance.


(2)The Thermal Oil Heater has a compact structure, small size, lightweight, small footprint, and simple installation. It is the new generation of heating equipment in the modern light industry, chemical, and other industries.
(3) Its temperature regulation is accurate and reliable, equipped with temperature, liquid level, and a security alarm device.
(4)It has high thermal efficiency (≥90%).


2.2 Uses: This series of Thermal Oil Heater can be used in the following industries: (1)Petroleum and chemical industry: polymerization, condensation, distillation, dehydrogenation, forced insulation.
(2)Oil industry: fatty acid distillation, oil decomposition, concentration, esterification, vacuum deodorization.
(3)Timber industry: multi-plywood, fiberboard, hot press molding, wood drying.
(4)Building materials industry: gypsum board drying, asphalt heating.
(5)Textile industry: heat setting, drying, hot-melt dyeing.
(6) Food industry: baking bread, biscuits.
(7)Plastics and rubber industry: calendering, extrusion.
(8)The Thermal Oil Heater is widely used in light and pharmaceutical industries production.


3. Working principles:
IMB series Thermal Oil Heater uses the heat transfer oil as a heat carrier. The heat transfer oil in the Heater body is heated to the desired temperature by the electric heating elements, then is transported to the relative devices by the hot oil pump to pass thermal energy. At last, the oil is transported back to reheat to make a continuous heating process.


4. Basic structure:
The whole complete set of thermal oil Heater consists of the heating system, the circulation system, the electronic control system, and the expansion system.
4.1The heating system:
the main component is the electric heating oil Heater, it consists of the heating pipes, inlet and outlet oil pipes, frame, diversion devices, and protection cover.
4.2 The circulation system:
the filter, high-temperature oil pump, oil Heaterpipe, valves, and heat-demanding equipment constitute a closed loop.
4.3The expansion system:
It mainly consists of the housing body, expansion pipe, love rflow pipe, exhaust pipe, sewage outlet pipe, plate level gauge, and float level controller.
Its role is to accept the expansion oil, compensate the circulatory system, supercharge, exhaust, alarm oil level, and spill oil. The volume of the expansion slot can be configured according to the user’s requirements.


4.4 The electronic control system:
the electrical control cabinet is the main operation control part of the Thermal Oil Heater, and it plays a very important part in starting the pump, heating(stopping) temperature, controlling temperature, displaying temperature and liquid level alarm.


#oil Heater_pipe #heating_system #circulation_system
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Ratman Bejo

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